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Shopping but can’t seem to find a Johnson outboard lower unit? We carry everything from 1978 to the most current V4 and V6 models as well as counter-rotation units.

Sterndrive Replacement sells Replacement  Johnson Outboard Lower Units at a very competitive price. The Johnson lower units Replacement are among the top ones on the market as far as reliability goes.

Proud to innovate in a saturated market, Sterndrive Replacement will also give you a 3year warranty with your brand new Johnson Outboard Lower Unit Replacement  . With a smile!

To contact us, please dial 954-271-7183 or send us an e-mail. We’re also on Facebook!

  • V-4  1978-1998

    Magnum 2 Ratio 1.85 Counter Rotation

    $USD 1,599.00 90-318-A-CCW
  • V-4  1978-1998

    Magnum and Magnum 2 Ratio 1.85

    $USD 1,399.00 90-316-A-CW
  • Ratio 2.25:1 V4, 4-3/4 bullet diameter V6 case

    Ratio 2.25:1 V4, 4-3/4 bullet diameter V6 case

    $USD 1,199.00 SEI-J90-306-C
  • V4 1995 - To current with the 4-3/4 bullet diameter V6 case

    Replacement Lower unit Johnson Evinrude Magnum Ratio1.85

    $USD 1,399.00 SEI-90-316-A
  • V4 1978-1998 Ratio 2:1

    V4 1978-1998 Ratio 2:1

    $USD 1,169.00 SEI-J90-304-A
  • V4 1995, 1996,1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

    V4 1995, 1996,1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

    $USD 1,199.00 SEI-J90-305-A
  • V6


    $USD 1,199.00 SEI-J90-306-B
  • V6 Counter Rotation

    V6 Counter Rotation

    $USD 1,399.00 SEI-J90-308-B